Thursday, March 7, 2013

Something off my chest.

Something that errs me and that sends me onward to push my self further is the knowledge that people whom cannot do the things many of us take for granted in daily life are able to do them, and more in video games. It  really pushes me toward something great, I don't know what yet but I know if I am putting something out there that's meant for adventure in to other worlds and stories  I want to up hold and exceed the standards and expectations of my peers and followers.

 There is no limit. It's why I do art in any form whether its animation, modeling or traditional.

 What I am saying here is that if your going to make some thing beautiful for all to experience you better damn well make it the best you can because the consequence is more than just another day at work.

On a lighter note!! I have more work to post! started the youtube vid time lapses for now . I cant be bothered with anything fancy atm. Just another way to get me out there really. So for now I am going to continue with my value studies sip my rum and coke and maybe drop into some League or tf2 ;)

 cheers! ps