Friday, June 29, 2012

Cheps Folley, Firefall Fanart and an Update!

So my blogging habits are a tad slack , that will have to change! Here's my current lesson in slapping art together.

Ill be posting my iterations in neat formation soon enough. As an update I put raushen on hold when this piece started and I actually started planning this as as standalone portfolio piece in UDK. Maybe the crytek engine but my laptop is prob not going to like that.  Gaming got the better of me as well as gaming friends but Ill have to stand stead fast against distractions. So far so good for cheps folley.

I've found that now after my dayjob is over, I am actually HAPPY to come do art and it creates so much more motivation when you feel that way or are having a keen interest in what your doing . 

Impartially I have been doing art for the sake of just doing it... and not actually putting on that extra push.... until now. Anyways ! 

More Posts to come and iterations a well as other projects never seen ie maya, UDK and Hammer!!! !